The Buckinghamshire Learning Trust Primary Vocal Conference will provide techniques and resources for all staff to renew and enhance the wider curriculum through song.
Why singing?
There are myriad research results demonstrating that music enhances children’s learning, creativity and wellbeing, and it is a core curriculum subject from KS1 to KS3. The teaching of music in primary schools sometimes suffers from a lack of confidence of teachers and singing is the simplest and most inclusive way to begin; it can be used for all aspects of the music curriculum and can be incorporated in every part of the school day by all staff. Using singing within the curriculum, in choirs, and in whole school groups has been shown to effectively improve social cohesion and the sense of community within schools, a vital tool when so much of school life feels pressured.
This conference aims to explore using singing at both a basic and advanced level throughout early years and primary education.
Date and venue 3rd July 2017 BLT Learning Campus, Aston Clinton
Event codes and times
MUS/17/004 09:30-12:30
Strand 1 – experienced music leaders; raising the quality and repertoire for group singing (choirs, key stage, assembly)
Strand 2 – NQTs and unconfident teachers; confidence teaching music with very simple resources and techniques
MUS/17/005 13:00-16:00
Strand 1 – experienced music leaders; music curriculum focus including resource sharing
Strand 1 – NQT/unconfident teachers; specific EYFS and KS1 music teaching resources and techniques
Delegates can attend either or both sessions.
Workshops and resource sharing
Delegates will be able to personalise their programme for the day by choosing from a range of workshops which have been designed to meet the needs of both new and experienced staff working from Early Years to Upper Key Stage Two. In addition to taught sessions there will also be opportunities for networking and resource sharing.
Conference charges
£90 plus VAT per delegate, per session, or £160 plus VAT for the whole day, to include all input and refreshments.
FOSS schools will receive a 50% reduction on the cost of the course. BLT CPD package schools are entitled to one place free of charge.
Workshop Leaders
Helen Mitchell
With 30 years experience of teaching music in all kinds of schools, and being a musical director of Buckinghamshire’s biennial Echoes singing events at the Royal Albert Hall, Helen has vast experience of repertoire and techniques for raising the quality of singing in schools.
Glyn Murphy, Penny Hale and Fay Hayhurst
Our workshop leaders each have many years of training and teaching experience in music. They are all trained teachers with recent experience in the classroom and are passionate about using singing in school.
They have over 15 years experience of providing practical, resource rich CPD to help teachers make singing an engaging, creative and useful means of learning.
Who should attend?
This conference is aimed at new and experienced classroom teachers and choir leaders working from Early Years to Key Stage Two.
Workshops include:
Singing through the curriculum;
Can’t sing, can’t play, can’t teach music;
Repertoire that works for experienced groups;
Songs and games for constructive play;
Raising the quality in class, singing assembly and choir;
Movement, improvisation and composition for KS1
Download the booking form here.